
So many false positive …
Has Avast ever found a real malware (with Win32:EVO-Gen)?

Hey and welcom to the avast foum. Could you provide more information on this? Avast has very low false threats, and high detection rate of malware out there.

It’s usually Evo-gen {susp} that’s usually a FP.

What were you doing when it popped up? Where is the location? File name and extension?

I wrote it already in this Topic:

A part of our software is recognised as FP - it is a dll which is digital signed. It is a container of images. The 32-bit version has problems, the 64-bit not.
Problems appear while installation (when the dll is being decompressed) and later when we access the dll.
Scanning the dll itself for viruses does not show a threat.

The problem is now solved with definitions 141118-1
141118-0 didn’t work yet.