Win32: Fearso

Hi Guys - I love the program. However I have a question re QuickMx for WinMx. I’ve been using these programs trouble free for about a year but since the latest avast upgrade it is now detecting a Win32: Fearso virus in QuickMx.

I’ve done extensive online checks which have found no such virus.

Please can someone confirm if this is a bug or the real thing and if it is just a bug how can I set avast to ignore the file so that I can keep using QuickMx.

Many thanks and keep up the fight.

Can you please send the files with false alarm to The best way is to ZIP them with some password (“virus” or “infected”) and to mention this password in the mail :smiley:

Thank you for your cooperation!


If it is activ and no false alarm type as URL in your Browser, if it shows the root of your Bootdrive, than it is no false alarm.

Thanks for the quick response guys. The file has been sent to be checked and from trying Raman’s suggestion it appears to be a False Alarm.

I’ll leave it in the capable of The A Team to decide and hopefully release a fix so that I can get back to using QuickMx. :wink: