win32 malware-gen wkpdfsnf.exe

Help please! Rather worried as my new old computer came up with avast alert that wkpdfsnf.exe in MSworks is win32 malware gen! I’m hoping this is a false positive, nothing shown on superantispyware or malwarebytes. It’s put in the virus chest but I’m concerned what it is and how it got on computer! I run firefox with noscript and am super vigilent re the computer I think!


I have the same problem, I think this is a “wrong positive”. Could somebody confirm ?

Hi guys!
Read here:
To test whats on your system, you can upload the file here:

—edited for security

Thanks shall take a look, actually since avast updated it now says the file(when I rechecked it in the virus chest is ok) but don’t want to restore it till bit more investigation!

Please remove the first link. It’s a dangerous site.

Thanks for calling my attention! It’s removed.
Sorry about that…! :frowning:

can you remove it from your quote too ???

No problem. But it was Altarir who pointed me to that. ;D

So, also a big thank you to Altarir…!!! :slight_smile: