My system has scanned clean for a good long time. And I have been logging into my World of Warcraft game with no issues for months as well.
Today, while I was already logged into my game, I went to a website while reading up on some World of Warcraft information. I did not download anything nor do I remember doing any “clicking” of links while reading (stated to demonstrate that I did not download any new software prior to this process).
Be that as it may, this afternoon I had reason to log off and re-log back on. At that point I got an AVAST warning that a malicious file had been detected and moved to the virus chest. The file was identified as Win32:Malware-gen.
I deleted the file from the chest using AVAST and proceed to do a full scan of the system. That scan located a file with the same designation which I deleted. I did a scan with malware byes which came up clean. Followed by a second full scan with AVAST which came up clean. I re-booted the computer and scanned a third time with AVAST which came up clean.
At this point I tried to log into the game again only to get a warning of an infected file being moved to the virus chest with the same designation. Based on the reading I did during the scans this monster seems to be a b** and a good hider.
Any help on finding and eradicating it would be appreciated.
Exactly the same thing happened with me, i thought it was something do do with an addon i jsut installed…perhaps the latest avast update is throwing up a false positive.
Here is a screenshot of the files it’s claiming are infected.
i wrote the reply while there were 0 replies to the topic, wrote the reply, made a coffee then came back and hit submit, by then there were already replies
I don’t want to abuse your help but I’ve followed teh links to Blizzard Europe and they suggest adding an exception for wow - no worries I’ll do that BUT I can’t follow their instructions to compare to what I am seeing in my AVAST UI. I have 5.0.677. Their instructions state to do the following:
To log in before another update, you will need to add these game files as exceptions in your anti-virus software.
Open Avast5 (double-click the program icon in the system tray)
Open the real-time protection
Open the advanced settings
Press Browse, locate your game folder and add WoW.exe to the list of exceptions
However when I open my UI _ I see Real Time Shields - not read-time proction. Ok no worries just words.
But - when I click on Read Time Shields I get a series of “shields” (DUH lol) - but nowhere do I see a link for Advanced settings. I do see an “expert settings” button on each tab - but that does not lead to a Browse anywhere.
Can you interpret their instructions to send me where to include an exception?
I found the answer through anoher link embedded in a forum post. From File System Shield (in case anyone else needs to know) - select Exclusions. The browse button is at the bottom of the exclusion list.
I’m here to tell ya that today’s experience has rocketed my support for AVAST from where it was (which was middle of the road since I’d had no issues so far). The fact the response was so fast to my post - and not critical of the massive data I had missed finding - does wonders to generate good will toward the program and those who take the effort to support it. Couple that with the fact that the problem was identified and a fix already in the works on a weekend and that says volumes about the support effort from the (I presume) volunteers who put their time into this effort.