Win32-Malware - unable to delete infected files

Help please - I recently started using Avast because it appeared that I was infected due to unauthorized uploads and downloads detected by my broadband usage monitor. The first that I ran a full Avast scan it revealed 6 Win32-Malware infections (and numerous warnings). I was able to remove the first Win32-Malware infection, but not the others. How do I remove these infections safely. Please note that I am a Mac user.

first, if the infections are Win32-Malware, it should not cause you harm or unexpected communication on MAC, unless the code runs inside the virtual machine with Windows. Could you please be more specifique about an error displayed to you, why the remaining files cannot be deleted from the scan result page? The best, if you could attach a screenshot.


Screen shot attached - hope this helps

I was more interested in an error message, if you select one or all items and press delete. If there was no error, the file would be deleted from the file system and status column would say “Deleted”

P.S. If you press CMD+SHIFT+4, you can mark an area of your display, for which there will be made a screenshot and stored to your desktop as an image.

Screen shot of error message attached (this is what I get when I tried to delete any of the files, other than the first one)

There was a bug in the last released version that files with certain permissions could not be deleted that should be fixed in a next version.

What you can do is to open Applications->Utilities->Terminal and type:

sudo rm “/Users/allanhatton/Library/Mail Downloads/DHL report 3.exe”

Nevertheless, these files cannot be executed on OSX and will not be cause of the unauthorized traffic.

Thanks for you help. If you are sure that they are not a problem, then they can stay until you fix the update.

thank you for the patience. The last update had several important issues, the next one is sheduled on the beginning of Septemer.
