Win32:parite B infected almost everything on my computer!

Well i recently got infected with the Win32:parite B virus and it infected every .exe .rar and more every windows file on my computer so i reformatted and copied my music to a new drive i am just wondering can my music file get infected with this also? Cause i plan on burn all the music files to a dual layer DVD. If its does infected my music mp3 files is there a way to disinfect them? cause i have to much music to loose.

Can it also infect pictures and videos?

  • thanks for reading -

The virus infects PE and SCR files only:

Portable Executable Filename extension .exe, .dll, .ocx, .sys, .scr

Thanks for the reply glad to know at least not everything is infected. Just wondering is there a way to install Anti Virus on an external hard drive?

  • thanks for reading -

Run DrWeb CureIT! from the external drive…

Win32:Parite should be covered by avast cleaner (a full disinfection) afaik… have you ever tried it?