Win32/Patched Virus

How do I get rid of it? I can’t even move it to the vault or anything. HELP!

How did You detect it…did You run a Scan with avast ?
What type of Scan ?
Can you attach a screen shot of the scan result ?

Yes did a scan with Avast and did a full computer scan. Before I had Avast I had AVG. It too said I had a virus. I uninstalled it and installed avast and ran a scan and it said the same thing. Don’t know how to do the screen shot.

why cant you move it to the vault ?

OK…this bug seems to attach to system files, so i guess this should be left to Essexboy

Follow this guide and attach the log`s

lower left corner: additional options > attach

Essexboy will then help you when he arrive here tomorrow night

Smells like a file infector… What is the name of the virus that Avast gives ?

Isn’t it the one Pondus posted?

Yep I had a blonde moment ;D