Win32:Porn Ad[Adw] Help!

If Anyone can help. I have the following virus Win32:Porn Ad[Adw]safely locked away in the Chest,and I’m not sure on what steps to take.I’ve tried to email it as suggested but I don’t know the Address to e-mail it to.I’ve taken the necessary steps to preform this task(e mailing it)but on the last step where I am to send it I dont have an address to fill in the field.If someone can help me I sure would appreciate it very much.Look forward to hearing from someone.

You only send a virus that isn’t in the virus database yet.And the one you have in the chest already is in the database(at least i think so), so i would just delete it if i were you.Otherwise the address is but you have to compress it and password protect the file and write the password in the email(so alwil can open the file of course).

P.S:Welcome to the forum!



From Chest you need to fill the SMTP tab of settings to send emails to Alwil for analysis.
Right click the ‘a’ blue icon > Program settings > SMTP tab.
Only send if you think the file is a false positive (a clean file that is being detected as infected) :slight_smile: