so, this morning i got some report from avast, it said some of my program had infected, then i started to scan my computer. the results some of my programs had infected by win32:RmnDrp and JS:agent-DRW. some of programs can be repair/delete by avast, but some programs which infected by JS:agent-DRW cant be repair or delete. so i try to boot-time scan but only 1 threat had been detected, then i try to scan again but there is no programs had infected. that make me confuse
By “I can’t Open,” do you mean that you chose to download and Open in one action ?
I tested the download and Open option and it span its wheels for ages, so much so that it locked my system and the only way out was a Hard Reboot.
So avast could be getting involved by scanning it and this would get in the way of the download. You should elect to Save the file rather than Open for the download.
i’ve place it on my desktop but it still can’t be open, is there any optional program? i tried to hard boot my computer but it still won’t to open, must i download it again? or is it okay to attach logs without logs from FRST?
it seems nothing wrong for now, i will try open some application later because those virus infected some of my program’s file and avast deleted some of file which infected