:‘( I also have been infected with that nasty Trojan. But my problem is a little worse now…I cant even get my comp to boot up correctly now. As soon as windows loads…windows ME I might add…I get a box that tells me that something…either Cmndinstl…systemtray…Msgsrv…something to that affect…has caused an error in either Kernel32.dll or in Kernel386.dll or something like that…then my comp locks up and wont do a thing! :’( I can restart it in Safe Mode and run my Adaware-6 or my Avast antivirus…but it doesnt find anything. HELP!!!..I dont know how much you’ll be able to help me since i cant even get windows loaded to where I can even DO a highjack this log for you
I’m not sure but maybe you could try a repair with your windows ME CD.
Then you could either
- use SYSTEM RESTORE there, and restore to a date when all still worked or
- post a hijackthis-Log from SafeMode … (get the file downloaded on a different computer, and unpack it from a floppy on your problem-ridden one (into a new, empty folder…)