Win32: Trogan-gen {VC}

I have been using a program called “Secure-it” from for quite some time and very recently Avast has started detecting that the program “Secure-it.exe” is infected with the virus called “Win32: Trojan-gen. {VC}” to be on the safe side, I moved the file to the virus chest…even though I think it is a false positive. I also scan the file useing Jotti’s and nothing was detected. so hopefully someone can tell me weather or not that this is a actual infection or a false positive own Avast behalf? thanks.

Please submit the file (e.g. directly from the Chest) for analysis. Thanks.

just exactly how do I submit it directly from the Chest? if it requires using Outlook or Outlook express or a similar e-mail client, I have never used them,neither do I have any ideal on how to set them up for transfering Mail. But if it is possible to send to the file useing hotmail,gmail,or yahoo mail…please let me know and how to go about doing it.

Just rightclick on the file in the Chest and select “E-mail to ALWIL Software”.

I have the same problem as timerunner, except the virus was detected in an ebook I’ve had several months, given by a friend. I moved it to the chest, and emailed it.

Ive scanned the file with avast and ewido, nothing.

I had a similar issue with an old ebook, but that FP was resolved with 0603-0 I believe, ensure you have the latest VPS update and check it again.

well I finally got the file sent off for analyzing, In the meantime should I keep the file in quarantine and rescan it in a day or two after Avast has came out with new signature updates ?

Yes, leave it in the virus chest for the time being and periodically check it (right click it in the chest and scan) after VPS updates until it is no longer detected, at that point you can restore the file, confirm it is back where it should be and delete the copy in the chest.

This might take a little time to update the VPS signatures.

well after the latest update from AVAST, I have no more false positives, so it appears that all of my concerns and problems have been solved, thanks for the Help.

Glad we could help, welcome to the forums.

It scans OK now, thanks for the help. I havn’t had avast long, just joined the forum. I think it’s great, esp. after all the crap I went through with mcafee.

You have found just one of the many reasons why we are happy avast users ;D

Welcome to forums and the avast family.

I recently downloaded a program called “Rosoft Audio Recorder”. That darn program was so full of spyware and viruses, I removed it from my computer after about 3 minutes. It contained Win32: Trojan-gen and Win32: Adware-gen. (Fortunately, I turned the resident protection to the “High” setting, and it detected the files while they were downloading). Just a note: ROSOFT STINKS!!!

that;s why downloading works against u rather than the opposite sometimes. the most viruses are spread in crack and serial sites, such as that’s one of the MANY that have trojans and worms. i was recently infected by the Win32: Trogan-gen {VC}, but avast is the best ;D