win32:trogen-gen{vc} ??winnet?? posted today 10/25/03

just got this new anti virus software because mine is out of date and haven’t bought the new nortan it say i have the new virus win32:trojan-gen{vc} but when i go to repair or delete or move/rename it sayes unknown path

plz reply plzplzplzPLZPLZPLZ!!!

I have fix my problem with all my virus thx to the help of these replys and the site trend micro thx for all the help!.

ok so far i just got this site from some reply which indeed helped but i i got rid of all the other virus’s on my computer buti also might have deleted my so important syste files and need help or a site that can help me fix them my computer at the moment is running at system resoures is at 60% which is low !!!

I still can’t seem to get rid of this damn virus win32:trogen-gen{vc} on avast i can’t move it but!! when i delete it the next time i scan it back same file same everything ( c:\program files/toolbar/winnet.exe?? can some one help me out plz the trend site is a great way but it didn’t even find this virus need help

i did get rid of it but the trend mirco did a search and i may have deleted files i may need but not sure is there a site out there that can help me check out my computer and i still did get rid of the damn virus Win32:trogen-gen{vc}

every time i do msconfig startup or ne thing like that it stays on and i know it is infeted with Win32:trogen-gen{vc} and my system resoures jump around from 40 up to 85 can some one help

please don’t open a new thread for the same topic every few hours…
check your other posts and the answers to them here… :

and continue the discussion in one thread

Hi Whocares,

Geee I’m glad you said it :slight_smile:

I tried;action=display;threadid=1557 but it fell on deaf ears :-\

It really makes problems harder than need be :-\ … well said :slight_smile:

Has there been a definitive solution to the win:32-trojan-gen. {vc} virus issue? It showed up in a Avast quick scan and in a separate folder in the standard scan. Thorough scan will not go all the way through-the computer locks up during a thorough scan.
When I defrag the hard drive and then analyze the hard drive, there are no fragmented files in the report. However, if I reboot and then analyze the HD there are fragmented files and one file is where this virus is at. There are also other files fragged.
I am currently using RAV Antivirus to scan the computer but would really appreciate if someone can update me as to the latest info on win:32-trojan-gen. {vc}

I am sorry, the real virus name is:
win32:trojan-gen. {vc}

Any ideas or is there something I already missed???
Thank you


have you avast! on your computer? Avast! remove’s that virus!



hi i have this virus too!i havent a clue what to do as it wont let me delete it, i do have avast and that didnt wrk?however this is the software that found it?!
its under c:_RESTORE\TEMP\A0096903.CPY.the virus is from june 2003.

i would appreciate any help.

thanx annexx :slight_smile: