win32:trojan-gen again

ok so its probably driving moderators mad but i have the above said virus or not virus croping up in all sorts of files.

SIMPLY is it a virus and how can I get rid of it. ;D

Welcome to the forum :smiley:

There was no need to start a new topic. Search the board first before starting a new one please. There are already many threads about this one and likely one has the answer for you. Also if you ask something provide more information like what os, what version of Avast, what vps version etc. That will let us give more detailled/acurate help.

The latest vps solves some problems with false positives. Make sure you have it.

ok no probs 1st timer :frowning:

Rich, welcome to the forums!
and we all go through being a 1st timer so don’t worry about it…we live, we learn :slight_smile:
