On doing demand scan (yesterday) Avast found win32:Trojan-gen {other} in System Volume Information/_restore{DDT622F69-E2F1-467A-B1A9-F31968CB5B22}\RP78\AD034156.DLL. I sent it to the chest, rebooted and did another scan which found nothing, and have noticed no problems with the PC today.
However on checking on the associated threads in here I noticed people were advised to do various other things. Should I be doing any of them? or am I OK to just delete it from the chest, seeing as the PC is not displaying any problems?
Anyone know just what this trojan does? or how I may have got it?
A couple of weeks ago the on demand scan also picked up win32:Trojano-177[Trj] in downloaded program files\popcaploader.dll (I also moved that to the chest and have had no problems since) Is there anything else I should do about this one? I believe I got this one trying to download a Yahoo game.
Disable system restore, reboot and the problem is solved.
No offense ment, but the question you ask is asked by others also and the solution has been posted several times already on this board. Please use the search option first next time.
No offence taken - hope you don’t either, but if you had read my post you would have seen that I HAD searched and read the other threads … in fact I have spent over 3 hours searching here (and google etc)!
Unfortunately none of them mentioned anything about if it had already been moved to the chest (which, from my limited understanding means it is no longer in the restore file), or in cases, like mine, where the PC has already been rebooted a couple of times since the trojan was detected. i.e. Is it too late now?
I presume on re-booting you re-enable the Restore Utility? Also not mentioned in previous threads.
Sorry to be so ignorant, but unfortunately some of us are!
Don’t worry Tina We are here to help and we will do so if we can.
If you disable system restore in the settings, a reboot is needed to make the change effective. And yes, you can enable system restore again, but expect the same thing happening over and over again. I advise to keep it disabled.
Since you already moved the file(s) to the chest, you can sagely remove them from there. They are just temporary files and not needed for the system to function properly.
I hope this info is enough to explain and solve the problem. If not, ah well, I got a feeling you will tell us ;D
First of all … newbie alert !!
I also got this virus but I checked the web (including this forum) and did precisely what you recommended.
It turned out to be a small disaster - my system would not reboot.
I used the OEM recovery to get back on track and in fact the virus had gone.
My experience suggests that it is not always as simple as you imply. I would like to know what you think the reason my be!?