I had first Norton Internet Security with Norton Antivirus installed on my computer (Windows XP). Norton Antivirus did not find any virusses on my computer. I removed Norton Antivirus (not Norton Internet Security) and installed Avast Home Edition on my computer. Avast found the virus “Win32:Trojan-gen. {Other}” in some files on my computer.
When I checked other forums, I discovered that a lot of people have founded a trojan virus on there computer after installing Avast. And they also said that before installing Avast they checked there computer with another anti-virus and he didn’t find anything. Could it be that this virus is included in the Avast installation ?
All infected files have the same filelength (=57856 bytes). Some of these files have extension .EXE, the others have extension .CLASS. The infected files are all new files that I never have installed on my computer.
I first did a normal scan. He find some EXE-files infected. A few days later I did a through scan and then he found some CLASS-files and other EXE-files infected.
Where can I find information on this virus. Avast only said that it is a virus but it refuses to give me any information on it. Does Avast has a description list of all the virusses that he can detect ? I have scanned the infected file with Panda free online scanner to get information on it, but he didn’t detect the virus.
What is the best Avast configuration for this virus ?
If I put the Avast Standard Shield to “Normal”. Will he also check the .CLASS files ?
The Avast Screensaver updates the VRDB database. Does this screensaver also does a virusscan ?
When you run the Avast Screensaver and enable “name extensions (fast)” and “Scan default extensions”, does he then also checks by default the .CLASS files ?