Right now, I keep getting pop-ups from Avast telling me that a file in location C:\Users\Alex\AppData\Local\Temp\phcsjyyf.dll cannot be processed by Avast. The only button available to click is the “OK” button, but this takes me to a more alarming looking window titled “avast! Warning” which says in bold letters A Virus Was Found! and that I should follow the given advice which is to move the file to chest. When I try to do this, the window closes, and the first one appears again. Realizing that I couldn’t move the file to the chest, I tried to Move/Rename the file, which did nothing, I tried to delete the file and the folder, which did nothing. I tried to repair the file, but that too did nothing and I stil get pop-up window. So, finally I tried following the file name to see if I could manually delete the folder and its contents, but there was no such file. Anyways, here’s the specs on this thing. Hopefully one of you guys can gimme a hand here. This thing is making my computer do wierd things.
Are you using Windows XP/Vista?
Can you schedule a boot-time scanning?
Start avast! > Right click the skin > Schedule a boot-time scanning.
Select for scanning archives.
If infected files are found, it’s safer to send them to Chest instead of deleting them.
This way you can further analysis them.
Maybe we can solve the weird behavior at boot time…
I suspect it is a good detection as a) the file name looks like a randomly generated one, b) there are zero hits on the file name which I tend to consider suspect in its own right.
The boot-time scan as suggested should get round this protection/inability to deal with it in windows normal mode.
Randomly named files are usually created by some other piece of malware so it would be worth running some other scans.
If you haven’t already got this software (freeware), download, install, update and run it, preferably in safe mode and report the findings (it should product a log file).
Also MalwareBytes Anti-Malware freeware version http://download.bleepingcomputer.com/malwarebytes/mbam-setup.exe, right click on the link and select Save As or Save File (As depending on your browser), save it to a location where you can find it easily later.