"Win32: Trojan-gen {Other}"

Hello people of the avast forum.
I am a Brazilian and says I am not very good in English.
Google Translate and send the translated text.
The avast accusing the virus in this file in the game half-life



Avast tells me that has a Win32: Trojan-gen (Other) in aquivo.
I tried to inform and found some information in the file.

File Description: Aureal A3D API DLL Product Name: Interactive A3D API DLL
Size (in bytes): 211.456 File Date: 3/11/1999 2:15:18 AM
File Function: DLL File Type: Application Extension
Internal Name: A3DAPI
Legal Copyright: Copyright © 1996-1998 Aureal Semiconductor Legal Trademarks: Aureal, A3D, A3D Interactive
Product Version: 2.02 File Comments:
Scanned From OS Version: Microsoft Windows XP Scanned from Service Pack: Service Pack 2

Here is a picture showing the alert.



I hope you help me as soon as possible because I do not want to run out of play. ;D

Do not forget.
It is false-positive

Can you send that file to virus (at) avast (dot) com
and report it as being a false positive?
Maybe adding a link to this thread.
Welcome to forums.

Oh, they usually correct false positives very soon.

Thank you.
More long for them to correct it.
I guess I’m not the only one with this problem in DLL.
More take to get it soon because if not many people will not play this weekend. :-\

Sorry for the double-post. :-[
I clicked on the VPS and start to send this file avast pro.


Now they will analyze the file?
Then send me an update?
Thank you.

Hi, false positive alert is already internally fixed. Please wait few hours to new VPS update