Win32:Trojan-gen. {VC}

HELP MEE!!!..i got this virus earlier today and need help rermoving it…its in a nega268_2.EXE file and i have NEVER downloaded something like it. I put it in the chest and want help on how to remove it w/o damaging my system. PLZ HELP


identify the Virus by using this link:

BTW: What Windowsversion do you use, and i what folder is the file stored?

Win32:Trojan-gen. {VC} nega268.EXE and it was in C:\program files\MSN Messanger
I am running Windows XP Home Ed. on a HP 513c

Hm, possible irc/sd-bot? Please use the link i mentioned. Only if you give us a “real” name we will be able to give you mor infos. The "generic " identification is not very usefull to give usefull help.

i have the virus in the avast chest so u dunno how to scan it and get the real name


try the KasperskyScan on the file(s)

if they’re encrpyted by AVAST too well, even kaspersky won’t find anything there, however .

In that case:
-remove all and any startup-Calls to the file in the registry-RUN-keys, win.ini, system. ini etc…
-make sure to close all unecessary/malign processes
-extract (NOT restore!!) the file from the chest; move it to new empty folder outside of the Windows(programs-folders…
-scan it with kaspersy there…
note the exact name and get back here, or search in virus-Databases/google

Good, so you aren´t infected anymore. Now the name is “only” necessary if you want to know in which way it came to your computer.

I do not think that Avast encrypt this files in the chest, but if so, do it like who said.:slight_smile:

i didnt understand how to do it like whocares said…im a comp noob…but i do wanna know if its safe to delete the file or what from the chest. I dont know anything bout comps. Is there an easier explanation of what whocares said?

Easiest thig is to try the following open the webside:

Press" browse" than go to drive c, then to “program files” folder, “alwilsoftware”, “avast4”, “data”,“Chest” and choose the file Avast moved in there(should be only one with the extention .vir) Press “open” than subbmit on the webpage.

Yes it is safe to delete the file from the chest. It is “safe” there, so you not necessarly need to delete it from there.
The Name of the Virus is only usefull, if you want to know where it came from and how you get infected. You are not by this virus at the moment, because Avast moved the file to his chest.