Just been informed that about 12 files are infected with win32 trojan.gen. A couple of them could be repaired. Several couldn’t. They are now in my virus chest. Any advice on how to fix these files or get rid of this virus? I’m new at this by the way. Thanks
most trojans can be safely deleted. But give us the full filename of the files
Ok. Here they are:
bpc.exe -this one’s original location is "program files/rvp
By the way the first 8 files- their original location was sytem volume information/_restore.
The files for system recovery could be safely deleted. But you won’t be able as they are ‘protected’. You must disable the system restore feature and after that enable it again… The files will be automatically deleted by Windows.
If you are not sure on what action perform with an infected file, try this order: Repair > Move to Chest > Delete (Recycle Bin) > Delete (permanently) 8)
how do you disable the system restore feature and then enable it again?