I know this topic was discussed before many times, but I still have one question about it:
If win32: trojan-gen is not a generic detection/heuristic detection, why avast give this same name for large group of malwares? It brings any kind of advantage to Avast? Or it just dont have any special reason to be named like this?
In my view, using the same name for diferent malwares, could make harder to take an action against it, as you cant search more info in web if you need to remove it by hand (when an antivirus fails to remove it)…
i need to submit to Jotti to know what the “real” Win32:Trojan-gen name.
and also because of this “gen” name, avast virus database count looks few (37622 count).
rename all trojan-gen to trojano-XXXX is better : & make trojan-gen as real generic detection.
But I dont believe they will do that…
It would be great anyway…
About the virus database count, it seems that is just a problem of display… Its a graphic problem… I believe its not related to trojan-gen detection… I heard it here in somewhere…
One aspect is rather important in dealing with Win32:trojan-gen it is a collective of unknown trojans. This means it could be a simple piece of spyware, but also it could be a real trojan.
Look for a bit of discussion on another forum regarding this: http://www.computing.net/security/wwwboard/forum/11054.html
Use a good trojan scanner or go to http://www.moosoft.com and get “The cleaner” update it and scan your pc.
czesc widzialm kogos z polski…
jestem blondynka i szukam pomocy w usunieciu jakiego trojana z kompa… jesli przypadkiem zobaczysz ten tekt prosze napisz cos…
pozdrawiam… wolly@email.net.pl