win32 Trojan {other}

I have recently found this on my computer, Avast recommends moving this to the Chest, my question is, what does moving this to the chest mean and really do?
Why not delete the file?
Any help in this matter please…

Chest is an encrypted folder. Files there cannot be executed, run, copied, nothing…
They’re completely safe there.
You must send to Chest each file that you’re not sure is really a virus.
Some clean files could, from time to time, be scanned as they’re infected. This is called false positives.
So, you send the file to Chest and you have the possibility to restore them back if it’s clean. :wink:

Thank you, one more question please, I sent the file to the chest, should I delete it after.
What is win 32 Trojan {other} cant seem to find much on the net about this?
How do I stop it from coming again short of staying off the Internet, and I have a firewall, which is in my Dell router…Thank you again…

Don’t be in a rush to delete files, even from the chest, it can’t do any harm there. If after a reasonable time (a week or so should do) there are no adverse effects form having moved the file to the chest, then it should be safe to delete it from the chest.

You can set a size limit for the Chest. But it’s generally safe to delete files with more than 30 days since you’ve sent to Chest.

I’m not the best for this… Maybe other users can help.
Here there is some information: