win32:trojan......... please help

Hi Guys…

Well basically i use avast as my screen saver and whilst it was on screen saver it detected a virus so i ran the “start avast anti virus”
and came to find that my pc is fully infected with all sorts. One in particular kept on re appearing as i moved it to chest which you can see from my attached items(c:\system volume information), eventually i clicked “repair all” and that seemed to work (was that a good idea??). But there were other viruses that were there and another that nothing could be done about (was asked to rename it and so on but i am not sure what to do).

If someone could explain to me why all of a sudden these viruses have attacked me and secondly what i should do about it?

Thank you all for your time…

tvDebug is a Zone alarm file.

To clean up System Restore, first create a clean System Restore point, then delete all older restore points.

The Hotmail thing might have been something from MSN?

The .CHK files I think are innocent.

Hi Frank

Thanks for the advice. :slight_smile: One prob though… i’m a novice. So could you give me some instructions on how to go about making a new restore point and so on. :wink:

Thank you for you time…

  • Create Clean Restore Point - Clear old Restore Points.

Now you are clear of infection create a clean System Restore point:

  1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System tools, System Restore.
  2. In the pop-up that appears fill in the radio button to Create a Restore Point
  3. Click NEXT
  4. Enter a useful name that you will remember if you need to find this again (Clean Restore Point)
  5. Click CREATE

You now have a clean restore point, you should clear the old ones:

  1. Click Start, All Programs, Accessories, System tools, Disk Clean Up
  2. Click OK on the C: drive
  3. Click the More Options tab
  4. In the System Restore section click the Clean Up button