July 14, 2005, 2:48am
Could this be a ‘false positive’?
I’ve recently downloaded VPS 0528-3 13/07/05 and this file (fdcatch.dll) is now identified as a Win32:Trojano-1736 [Trj].
I’ve sent it to the chest for now and e-mailed the file to Avast!
It’s the .dll that integrates FreshDownload with Internet Explorer 6.
My OS is Win XP SP2 with all updates.
Yes, it was reported today as being a false positive. You can search the board for: fdcatch.dll or Win32:Trojano or FreshDownload
Submit the file to Jotti and let us know the results, i.e., if it is or not a false positive.
July 14, 2005, 3:15am
Hi Tech,
Thanks for the quick response.
I tried submitting to Jotti, but I keep getting
“The file you uploaded is 0 bytes. It is very likely a firewall or a piece of malware is prohibiting you from uploading this file”
If it is a false positive however, should I restore it and get Avast! to ignore the file (if so, how?) or should I wait for a fix in a forthcoming AVS update (if so, when?)
Many thanks for the help.
avast! should be blocking it, you should add it to exclusions list.
If it is a false positive however, should I restore it and get Avast! to ignore the file (if so, how?) or should I wait for a fix in a forthcoming AVS update (if so, when?)
You can add this file to 2 exclusions lists:
Left click a blue icon > Standard Shield provider settings > Customize > Advanced > Add it to the exclusion list.
Right click a blue icon > Program settings > Exclusions (tab)
July 14, 2005, 3:28am
OK, thanks Tech.
Do you think this one will be picked up on the next AVS?
I think it could take some time… Alwil team is not that fast on removing false positives… :-
Did you submit the file to Jotti?
July 14, 2005, 3:45am
I did try again after adding the exclusions like you said, but the upload is still being prohibited
July 14, 2005, 3:52am
Sorry! :o
Scratch that - I tried to send a copy from the desktop which was not listed in the exclusions … doh!
I managed to send it OK from the programs folder and …
Avast! is the only checker to list it as a problem.
It won’t be good to keep another copy of it… You can use the avast! Chest or even download and install FreshDownload again to have it.
Eh… cof, cof, that’s a false positive :-[
July 14, 2005, 7:21am
Well, since confirming the false positive and listing the file in exclusions as you suggested, so far so good - no more warnings.
Thanks for the help Tech
July 14, 2005, 2:43pm
You can remove it from exclusion list as it’s already solved. I had the same problem, so you only had to look more carefully at this forum page! ;D