Hi, I am running a dual boot system with Vista Ultimate and XP Pro. When I run a virus scan while using Vista it finds a virus, Win32:VB-BAA [Trj], in the pagefile of the XP system. I have tried to Google this virus but can find no information and no other virus or spyware checker, that I have used finds this problem.
When the virus is found I have tried to repair it but get an error so I am left with either ignoring it or deleting it. When I have tried deleting, it is recreated the next time I boot XP.
IF you have anything, it is a "trojan" ( "[Trj]" ), not a "virus"; they are
best handled by antiSPYWARE/antiTROJAN program(s) . Have you used
any of these types of programs as a "2nd Opinion" ? If not, I recommend
AVG Antispyware ( www.ewido.net ) and/or the FREE version of
"SUPERantispyware" ( www.superantispyware.com ) .
When the virus is found I have tried to repair it but get an error so I am left with either ignoring it or deleting it. When I have tried deleting, it is recreated the next time I boot XP.
All normal:
The page file is a special file used by windows for holding temporary data which is swapped in and out of physical memory in order to provide a larger virtual memory set.
The file name is pagefile.sys and it is created during setup in the Root of the boot drive as a hidden file. It will not show up on an Explorer file listing unless you toggle off the “Hide system Files” option. In its default state it should be approximately 1.5 times the system RAM.