I’m having trouble removing an infected file. Yesterday I unpacked a .RAR archive containing a skin for Rainmeter, and when I ran the .exe file inside it Avast blocked the program saying it linked to a malicious site. Feeling slightly suspicious that I had been infected, I then ran a memory scan with heavy settings, and the scan found a memory block infected with Strident.exe. Though when I went to apply any sort of action against it, the “Apply Action” button in the results window was greyed out!
Before you ask, yes I’ve run a boot-time scan…also with the heaviest settings possible. It found nothing suspicious. After that scan I decided to run another heavy memory scan for good measure, and it found the same infection, and I still couldn’t remove it. Help? ._.
I’ve attached a screenshot of the results window from the memory scan.
since it is a process and not a file…then there is nothing to remove
also, unless you have a special need or know something the avast guys dont…stay with default scan settings
if you searc the forum you find a million cases with the scan memory issue
the scan memory setting will give some weird scan results
here is one from today. http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=98181.0
So you’re saying there’s nothing to worry about? This “threat” didn’t show up until after I opened the .RAR archive. Wouldn’t that seem to suggest some form of action needs to be taken besides ignoring it as a false positive? It’s showing up as a threat. I’m not inclined to just leave it there if I don’t need to…
as i said…you cant take any action on process
and if not detected with default scan settings… ?
if you are suspicious, you can always go true the guide and attach the logs for a check
you can also test the strident.exe file at www.virustotal.com to see if it is malware
you may post the scan link here for us to see