win32.vitro fixer!

There is a site included with vitro fixer.I would know if it’s a real fix.

check it out pls.

On Geocities, I would be very suspicious that whoever was offering this didn’t have their own domain rather than a free site.

With a domain it is possible to do some digging, but with a free site on geocities you have no idea who it is.

Vitro is the next or updates Virut and is said to be more virulent and using encryption (stronger than Virut’s) to try to prevent repair. So I would be very wary as I would expect a tool like this to come from one of the major AV/Security companies. But then I’m a suspicious sod ;D

Edit: Not to mention they want money for this:

To purchase the Full Version of this Software: Send $25 US per copy to:

So my guess the tiny zip file doesn’t clean anything and may or may not alert but not disenfect.

No longer a guess a little reading:

This software is licensed to you free for your evaluation. This Demo software will not Disinfect or Restore Infected Files. To Disinfect or Restore Infected Files you must purchase the full version of this software.

So even now, you have no idea of if this will work or not and they want you to part with money, thanks but no thanks.

Most likely, it will do nothing at all … even if you pay for it.

Think of this word … scam.