
I appear to have caught some Trojans recently and I don’t know if anyone can help.

They cropped up all of a sudden and I found them with one of my routine Avast scans. Seeing as this was a shared PC at the time I don’t know where I might have got them from seeing as I only visit well-known (and “safe” sites).

I have been running thorough checks and moving the Trojans to “the chest” which I was told was the right thing to do.

I have been getting at least 2 at a time and it came to my attention that it appears to be the same one each time “Win32:Zlob-QD[Trj]”.

I use Mozilla Firefox most of the time however it seems that it is being affected as it keeps not responding, I also have Internet explorer which currently has changed its own front page to this: Front page

And I’m running on Windows XP…

Well I think thats everything… Can anyone help me?

This one will remove the Zlob trojan, but remember, only the Zlob and its “symptoms”:

Is there any reason Avast isn’t removing them?

Is this more software… and thankyou for your help.

It is oly a cleaner. The reason Avast did not get this one, is that the “Malwareproducer” modify these Zlobs more than once a day.

Ok thanks for your help. ^^

:slight_smile: Hi Donne :

 Anything with "Zlob" in the name is a very bad piece of SPYWARE, best handled by an
 antiSPYWARE/antiTROJAN program, NOT primarily an antiVIRUS program . Do you have
 any such program(s) on your computer ? If yes, which one(s) and what has been the
 result of running their "Full Scans" ?
 IF you do NOT have any such programs on your computer, I recommend you use the
 FREE version of "SUPERantispyware" from . If this program
 or any other antiSPYWARE/antiTROJAN program can NOT resolve the "problem", the next
 step would be to have volunteer Experts usually found on antiSPYWARE Support Forums
 review the Results of running a "normal" mode SCAN of "HijackThis", best downloaded from . 

At the download prompt, choose “Save”.
Navigate to the saved file and double-click the installer, HJTsetup.exe.
HijackThis will be installed on your computer at C:\Program Files\HijackThis, making an entry in the start menu and also providing a desktop shortcut.
When the installation is complete, exit HijackThis.

If you know of no antiSPYWARE Support Forums, I recommend the ones at : .