I have been inundated with Emails from this worm. The email says it id from howard@htelephones.co.uk and the subject is nazi propaganda.
I keep deleting the email when Avast gives me the warning and I have blocked the sender on Outlook Express. But more emails come.
Today, when I ran an Avast AV scan, Windows said "ashampl"hjad caused an error and will be shut down…when I clicked OK, Avast disappeared…so is my AV programme infected…or what?
The attachment did not open…I was warned about the infection by Avast and anyway, I would never open any attachment unless I absolutely knew it was safe.
I did keep up to date with windows critical Updates…but Windows 98 is no longer supported.
Nothing Has Improved…the same email continues to arrive every day and is detected by Avast and deleted by me.
I went to your page about these worms, but really do not understand if this Ganda B could have infected my PC or is it just the nuisance Emails (never opened) that are just a nuisance, but doing no more harm. I did a search for the "scandisk.exe file…but the screen told me it was not a valid file name…
Please advise what else I should do…is this little ******* residing in my PC, or does he just arrive with emails and is therefore deletable with no harm done?
You can see I am a really simple person…no technical knowledge at all…so please tell me in simple terms if there is anything else to do.
That means that you are not infected but recieve only infected Emails. So that is no problem, if you do not open it.
So you are right just delete them.