I have tried to use avast! free Home edition numerous times, and it has not been able to complete a full scan. It locates Win32Sober-AB and Win32Sober-AB2 somewhere in my Outlook Express files. Using the delete, rename, and move to chest buttons seems to produce no result, and shortly thereafter, the scanner moves to on a file (still within my Outlook Express files), but stops. Using the independent avast! cleaner numerous times has also not helped. I really suspect that I don’t have a virus/worm as I have had no other indications of a virus/worm until I used the avast! scanner. I use Hotmail exclusively (don’t they scan for these things?). I’m a newbie. I was using Norton’s Systemworks until the subscription ran out. Thanks for any help.
You should remove Norton completely befor installing another av.
The add/remove in control panel does NOT remove nav properly,
How to completely remove Norton (Symantec): http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/nav.nsf/docid/2001092114452606
Another link worth looking at which is a program removal tool, which can remove the remnants of a number of different Norton Programs:
Removing your Norton program using SymNRT