Since last update, some weeks ago, i get BSOD with stop code 3B in aswsnx.sys, half o times i launch the HP vpn client “Remote access to HP Network”.
When i launch the vpn client, after successfully connecting the network, i should get a message with successfull connection. Half of times, i get the BSOD instead.
This is happening in my home laptop (elitebook 8440p, 4Gb ram) with Win7/64 and the 64 bit vpn client. It does not happens before last avast update.
I have uploaded “aconsuegra@acopen_com” to avast ftp.
Hope you can fix this issue.
I’ve warned the developers to follow your dump and try to help you.
Hope you got it.
Ooops, the affected file is aswsnx.sys, not aswsp.sys. I have modified previous post.
Btw, i not always get BSOD. After connection, when system is going to crash, the pointer get very slow fore several seconds, and then i get the BSOD or the pointer freeze and i have to force power down. As i said before, nothing of this was happening before upgrade.
Is there any way to revert to previous versión?
aswsnx.sys is the sandbox driver.
FileHippo has older versions. You’ll need to uninstall, boot, install, boot.
But it’s not advisable to downgrade. I’m not sure why don’t they answer to this thread… ???
Is it possible to dissable some feature to avoid BSOD’s?
It’s realy anoying
The only way is to solve the problem itself: uploading the dump will help analysis and troubleshooting.
I’m seeing very little action of the programmers lately here in forum… Where is pk?
Nothing new about this?
I have now 2 BSOD a day.
May be time for a new AV software?
1_Download the uninstall utility and the latest beta;
2_Reboot into “Windows Safe Mode” and run the uninstall utility;
3_Reboot into “Windows Normal Mode” and install the latest beta;
4_Reboot, configure it and try it for a couple of days.
5_If you have new crashes, send the new dumps to the developers.
I d’ont want to deal with beta software.
I have just installed the last update and BSOD persists.
It is now time to test another antivirus solution. Thanks anyway.