Win98 - 7 providers, 0 running

I installed to a Windows 98 PC via command line:

setup.exe /client /createprogress /sfx /sfxpackage “.”

I choose the demo license file, and the installation found the Avast! server. Upon reboot, the client is running no providers, and not showin in the ADNM

Any ideas where I went wrong?

MDAC 2.8 installed
JET 4.0 SP8 installed


Windows 98 is NOT a server OS.
You should use Avat home/pro on that system, not the server version of Avast.

Eddy, I believe the question is about a managed client, which may run anywhere :wink:

Can you check if avast! processes, such as ashServ.exe (or is it aswServ.exe?), are running?

Yes it is for the managed client installation.

Looking at the processes using prcview (great win9x tool) I see that:

  • Aswmaisv.exe
  • Aswserv.exe
  • Aswwebsv.exe

are all running, but the red circle still exists and no comm w/ ADNM server. Hum…


  • AvAgent.exe needs to be running for the communication with the AMS to take place.

  • What happens if you click the (crossed-out) tray icon? Do you get a RPC error? Also, what does the icon’s tooltip say?

Oh I see, the subject of this thread. :slight_smile:

OK, please verify in the ADNM console that the Computer group this machine is in has a resident task assigned to it. The symptoms you’re describing looks exactly like there’s no on-access task assigned.


OK, please verify in the ADNM console that the Computer group this machine is in has a resident task assigned to it. The symptoms you're describing looks exactly like there's no on-access task assigned.

How would I verify this? I did not see any area this is defined in the ADNM.


Please see the screenshot. There must be a task selected in that box. I’m talking about the properties of the Computer group the machine in question is in.


OK, I have all the computers in one catalog/group. There are 9 computers, a mix of win2k, winxp, and 1 win98 PC.

By selecting the Computer Catalog and right-clicking on Properties, and selecting Policies my screen looks exactly like yours.

Have I done everything correct?


But the problem is only on the Win98 machine? The rest of the machines (located in the same group in the Console) is OK - at least on-access-protection-wise?


Yup, all the other machines in the same group are good.

This problem is still here?

If so, I have one more idea: could you please send me (by email) the file \data\avast4.mdb from the problematic Win98 machine?
