Just wanted to post this to let others know not to give up on using Avast with Win98. ;D I’ve been trying to get that little red error over the “a” icon to go away for a couple of days now. With the help of this forum, and others, I finally got it working. My boss’s home computer had about 3 different versions of Norton Antivirus installed on it and needless to say, there were traces of it everywhere after they were uninstalled. I used about 3 or 4 different progs to find and delete what I could as well as manually looking through the registry, etc. I was about to give up (which I hate to do >:(), when I ran across the thread (threads?) that suggested I download “Tune Up Utilities” http://www.tune-up.com/
I almost didn’t, but thought I’d try one more thing. I ran the registry cleaner and it found some entries that the other progs didn’t. After that, just to be safe I used the Avast Uninstaller, Rebooted, and Reinstalled… BAM! Works like a dream now.
If you suspect Norton AV leftovers to be your problem, I’d run the “Norton Removal Tool”, then Tune Up Utilities’ - Registry Cleaner.
Good Luck!