Win98 SE and Internet Mail Question

Hi All,

I had avast 4.7 Home installed and running 5 out of 6 providers (I have not installed Outlook yet). My installation got messed up with the downloading problems a few days ago, I had to un-install.

After the un-install I rebooted and installed avast over. I choose the complete install, as I did the first time. After the installation I rebooted the computer. Once the computer was up I found that avast was showing the icon with a red x. I opened the protection control and found that there were 0 providers listed. I had to un-install the 6 providers and then re-install them to get avast running again. The problem is that the Internet Mail provider does not start, it says it is waiting for a sub-system. It started fine before I had to un-install. Now I have 4 of 6 providers running.

Once I read the posts about the download problem being fixed I did all the updates again. This time all the updates worked fine. However, the Internet Mail provider still does not start. It says the same thing, waiting for a sub-system to start.

At this point I do not have my e-mail setup. But I did not have it setup before the download problems and Internet Mail provider started before.

My question, should the Internet Mail provider start even if I do not have any e-mail accounts setup yet? As I said before, it use to start even with no e-mail accounts setup but now it does not. Should it work this way?

Thanks for any help


You need to set up the mail protection with the Mail Protection Wizard. The Internet Mail will then start automatically.