
The resident scanner alerted me about a Trojan.
I did a scan and it came up with two files of a WinadX.dll infected with Win32:Trojano-343.
I tried to have them repaired, but the program said it couldn’t. So, I moved them to the virus chest.

They were located at:
C:\Documents and Settings\Elle\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\KHAVCXYF\bridge-18[1].cab

I’ve turned off system restore, ran another scan, and emptied out my temporary internet files.

Is it safe to just delete the files? Is there anything else I need to do?

Windows XP, SP2


Also, I’ve just done a scan with HouseCall. It came up with some MHTM Redir, in Temporary Internet Files…

Since they are temporary files, it is perfectly safe to remove them.

Alright. But, that one Mhtm-redir thing was discovered after I emptied my temporary internet files.

Is there a proper way of emptying them out?

Personally I remove all temp files manually. Close down all apllications (boot in safe mode if you have to) and remove all files in folders like “temp” “temporary internet files” “downloaded program files” “cache” etc etc.

The folders may be called different on your system. Depending on how you have set it up and what applications you are using. There are some decent “temp file removal applications”, but I never saw one that cleared everything. If you don’t feel confartable with it, don’t do it manually. You may remove something that shouldn’t be removed.

In general everything in folders that has “temp” in there name can be removed without harm. Also files with extension .tmp can be safely removed.

I got the same virus notice and just cleaned my caches(in both IE and Mozilla Firefox…did another scan and it didn’t show up again.

You can see ‘Links’ on my signature and browse for ‘cleaning’ applications.
You can Google…
I suggest BeClean (freeware) and Internet Sweeper. Privacy keeper cleans the cache when the last browser window is closed :wink: