Windosill (Steam) game triggers AutoSandbox warning

This game “Windosill” triggers an AutoSandbox warning when i try to launch it. The game is clean for sure as it arrives from Steam directly, but i guess it’s triggered because it’s using Adobe Flash Player as its rendering engine. Can this be fixed on your end?

Why not upload Windosill to and verify for yourself that it is truly safe. If it has no hits, then the next time you get the AutoSandbox alert exclude it from sandboxing.

Since the AutoSandbox alert is based on heuristics instead of the VPS signatures, there is nothing to fix.

well if the game was submitted to Steam, chances are that there’s not much to check on VT ;D

I think the reason it’s triggering AutoSandbox is the fact that the game is written in Flash. But since EXE parses the Flash component, i suspect that this alerts the avast! as suspicious activity. I’ve already excluded it but it would be smart to fix this if possible so other users won’t have unecessary problems with it.

It seems that many games from Steam trigger this. Now i just found out that other 2 games from Steam trigger the AutoSandbox as well. These 2 games are:


Any comment from the programmers?