why after install the Avast, my windows prompt out UI Failed to load, AV services is no responding, when try restary services also failed to load. The most worst is my windows 10 become blue screen have to boot to safe mode then uninstall the Avast then windows can boot normally without error.SOS
Please (re)search before posting.
It is already explained.
The problem is already solved in the latest (Beta) version.
it’s not solved. By now, we can only manage avast by pressing f7 on boot, or logging in using a local accont. if you try Microsoft account, you’ll see the lazy job that has been done…
Rafael, are you running the beta ?
If not, you can’t say if it is solved or not.
It’s not beta version and it’s obviously unsolved. It’s a major flaw. Shame on Avast
Ok, so you have no clue at all if it is solved or not.
Only way to tell is testing the latest Beta version.
Anyway, can you provide a download link to beta version? I just got online or offline regular versions. Thanks in advance. But we must admit that a software which has been released in with all this bugs… that’s the same if I bought a new car and towed it directly to maintenance… 8)
Got it. I’ll have a try…
Doesn’t work at all. When logged into a Microsoft acount it just simply doesn’t work. The truth is: the software is usable if you’re logged in a local account. Unless this is you case, you’re screwed.