Windows 10 system files FP

Running windows 10 technical preview.

Avast thinks that the system32.dll and rundll32.exe are FileRepMalware.

Also svchost.exe

You want to know the real problem?

Please use the search option on this webboard before posting.
Please use common sense.

Windows 10 has not been released (yet), nor will it be soon.
It is a huge waste of time, money, resources, effort etc to develop a application for W10 at this time.

I am also running Windows 10 Technical Preview and getting the same problem.

I ran a full Malwarebytes scan and it showed no problems. But Avast keeps showing the FileRepMalware error.

I know Windows 10 isn’t going to be out for a while. I guess then it’s uninstall Avast time!

I am also running Windows 10 Technical Preview and getting the same problem.
There is no problem other than pebkac. You are trying to run avast on a os that is not even close to a beta release.