I’m having Windows 10 update difficulty like others I’m sure. I tried a bunch, and wanted to try a clean uninstall, but I’m unsure about a few things.
I have a free avast, and not sure if the cleanU suggestion would work on a freeAvast edition too. Also I’m having difficulty booting into safe mode since, trying to fix the update, I uninstalled Apache programs thru ‘add/remove programs’
Cuz I thought that might be causing my error. Now when I go thru MSconfig to get to SafeMode instead it reboots in reg mode.
I browsed for Avast on my PC & it’s in my Downloads folder.
I suspect there is a fix that doesn’t require safe mode.
Thanks for your help
Uninstall Avast from Control Panel (if possible) and reboot.
Uninstall in safe mode using Avastclear. [Running Avastclear is normal mode will give a prompt to go into Safe Mode] - If you are unable to run Avastclear in safe mode, run it in normal mode
Install the version you downloaded.
Paid: If you have a paid license, insert the license key/activation code after the reboot at stage 5.
If you didn’t install into it’s default folder, you need to select the folder into which you installed Avast.
(Usually that isn’t the case.) If you didn’t use the default folder and you told it the wrong folder, expect that folder to be deleted.
Did you watch the video ???
Thanks, Microsoft shared that link over Twitter earlier and I tried few steps, but b4 I ran a highjackthis scan, I know it’s outdated but I can still use an analyzer. I see that one item is ‘nasty’ but not sure where it’s on my list to remove it. Maybe removing this will let my windows 10 to update