Windows 11

According to this article, it could become problematic to install browsers as the Avast SecureBrowser as the preferred browser in Windows 11, unless they are available in the Microsoft Store I assume.

The Opera browser is already available in the Microsoft Store, so I wonder if and when the Avast Secure Browser will be available in the Microsoft Store.

Not sure if this hasn’t already been mentioned in this topic Windows 11 - It’s official - Questions, Answers, Tip and Tricks.

If not it may be worth posting there.

I’m sure there was something about MS making it difficult for changing the Default MS Edge to other browsers.
To which I would say I feel another big Fine by The EU, as they have done for this kind of practice.

Hi Luukjr.

The Win 11 is still not out and lots of things can change. But for us the user experience is important so we will definitely try to make it as seamless as possible like now when making SB default browser is just one click.

Just as a side note, Mozilla already took action:

I can also tell you from experience, when updating to windows 11, it keeps your default browser setting.
After the upgrade (I’m a MS insider) Chrome remained my default.
The problem currently is changing to a different Browser if your current default is Edge.
Hope that clarifies the topic.