Windows 2000 login problem

Hi folks, I wonder if someone could give me some help.

I have installed a demo version of Avast Server on my windows 2000 server, when I rebooted it did the scan at dos level then found lots of worms/viruses etc so i told it to move them to the chest, now when it boots it goes to the login screen, i put in my password then it says it’s loading the personal settings then it reverts back to the login screen.

If i can get it to boot to the dos level, is there any way I canrestore the chest and files to their original locations? so i can do a scan again ?

or does anyone have any other suggestions?


Darren, sometimes this is due to sending to Chest important (necessary) files to boot and login (pagefile.sys, when missed, could make that behavior of logging and coming back, but I think the pagefile.sys is too big to be moved to Chest, some other system file is missing).

Can you boot in Safe Mode?
Other option is scanning in SafeMode (repeatedly press F8 while booting):;en-us;315222

Another sad example of an user that ask for help and never comes back… it’s a pity, it’s a shame :stuck_out_tongue: