Windows 7 Action Center not recognizing avast! IS after update

I just did the avast! update, restarted my computer twice, but action center is claiming that I have no antivirus installed…

Anyone else have this problem?

UPDATE: Multiple avast! repairs and the problem does not go away…

me too. on Windows 8.1
any solution?

After I left my affected computer on long enough, Windows gave me messages to activate avast!, I pressed the button on the prompt to activate avast! (which was already active, Windows was just being stupid). The button pressing seemed to have done nothing, but then I restarted and all problems were gone.

I have windows 7 and have the same issue. Avast does seem to be working properly, though. Haven’t tried a restart yet.

Windows 7 here, too, and it was after a few reboots (only the first of which was to make sure Avast had updated all its hooks) before the Windows Security Center was displaying Avast as active for antivirus, firewall, and antispyware. However, as long as Avast is reporting that its “shields” are active, I’m satisfied, even if the Windows Security Center isn’t always up to date.

im having the same issue and its really worrying me i tried repairing and still the same problem even after restarting to avast please help

i updated and then after i restarted twice confirmed the instalition 1st it said i need to find an antivirus program because none was detected and then it said that i need to turn on avast

i have done the repair option twice and restarted and still the same result even though it says i am protected and everything is up to date

Have you tried turning it off and on again?
By that, I’m referring to turning the messages off in action center, rebooting and turning them on again.

You can disable Avast shields then re-enable as per Bob3160 video Windows should now recognise Avast is installed.