Windows 7, Avast, and latest Windows Updates KB4493472, KB4493448, and KB4493435

I’ve noticed that my machine has been acting strange after the most recent round of updates.

The behavior is very similar to what is described here…

And reported here…

Avast is mentioned in both articles as being affected, largely due to the post on avast’s business site.

What about the free / home versions - has anyone looked into this on those products?

I’m curious as well if Avast Free home users are affected by these updates.

We were not able to reproduce it on Avast Free/IS/Premium.
If you run into the same symptoms, can you post following info here:

  • version of Avast
  • version of Windows


I have the same problem, i could not install KB4493132 either.
My AVAST version is 19.4.2374 (build 19.4.4318.439)
My Windows version is Windows 7 Home Premium 32bit HU.
The upgrade stops at 67, or 69%, if i try to reboot the computer, stops at 36%.
Only rollback helps on my computer, it never reach the login screen (tried 3 times, for 3 hours…).
I hope this helps to find the problem.


@haverdad: what does it mean “acting strange”? The problem, which was described in that article, occurs only during Windows startup (user is stuck on “Welcome” screen).

@peticske: see above and we don’t know why your upgrade isn’t downloaded (network problem? something else?), this problem isn’t related to upgrade process

Anyway, we have just released an emergency update for Avast 19.3 and 19.4 which should detect the problem with these KB- packages. The problem was caused by a new Windows functionality in these KB packages which may sometimes lead to deadlock during Windows startup process.

Haven’t seen this emergency update as of yet. Has it been released live?

That is the nature of the Emergency Update it runs as a scheduled task twice a day to check if an emergency update has been released. If so it downloads and installs that update.

You may have it by now depending on when your scheduled task is due to run, since this is so close to PKs post notifying of the release, I would wait a little. You can manually run this emergency update, by double clicking the AvEmUpdate.exe file in the C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast folder.

@peticske: see above and we don't know why your upgrade isn't downloaded (network problem? something else?), this problem isn't related to upgrade process

The updates were downloaded normally. The upgrade stops after install, and reboot.
Thanks for the package. I will respond if it’s working (or not).

I could update, thanks for the fix.

Tks for the tip & update! In my case, I had to manually force the emergency update. After I forced it, windows KB4493472 installed with no issues!

You’re welcome.

Does the emergency update solve the issue with KB4493509 in Windows 10?

The issue is being discussed in another post:

Thank you.

No, because we haven’t observed any conflicts/slowdowns between KB4493509 and Avast.