Windows 7 x64 Crashes

So, I’ve been using Avast on my PCs/Laptops for a while now and I just recently bought a new ASUS G72 Series Laptop. I’m currently running Windows 7 Home Premium x64. I installed Avast and now I’m having an issue where when I try to run Avast, or if the Database Update notification pops up, the OS crashes and I have to Hard Restart the Laptop.

Are there any current known issues, anyone else having the problem? Any help would be appreciated.

I have no problem with Windows 7 on my system.

It could be a video driver problem as I do not see any video driver updates for the system.

… Updated the video driver, it works fine now. Feel kinda dumb…


We all have those moments

Hmm, well it appears I wasn’t entirely fixed. While it worked for that moment, it continues to freeze now when I open the program and when notifications pop up from the taskbar. I have, however, noticed that it is not limited to Avast. When a messenger service shows a notification or any program for that matter, it freezes the PC too. Avast is the only program that freezes when I open it completely though…

Any ideas?

not saying that this will work, but you could try to run sfc /scannow in a console as admin.

I have a 64 bit with 7 and no problems - I also have 3GB Ram. How much do you have

I don’t think the issue is the OS version, something broke or conflicts on his system and he’s got to find out what it is :wink: he’s got a very recent laptop, so I guess he’s got enough RAM too.

Don’t know about that I have seen some in the stores with just 1 GB - Now that will crawl on Vista or 7

@ the OP: check your startup processes (type MSconfig in “run” >>>winkey+R)…troubleshoot that by disabling what you think could be a problem and reboot to see if there’s a difference. This can be time consuming :wink:

;D yeah, he mentioned he has an ASUS G72
check here:

I’m running Windows 7 x64 w/ 6GB Ram and an NVIDIA GTX 260M / Core Duo 2 / 2.53.

What I’ve done so far is tried to mess with the programs that are causing the freeze. I’ve completely uninstalled Avast to test things, since it was Avast that was locking and freezing when opened. I also encountered a p roblem when I received notifications from Yahoo! Messenger as well. I’ve turned back on Notifications on Yahoo! to see if it freezes still w/ Avast uninstalled (note it was only when I received a new E-mail, not when I received an IM).

I also use Skype and it doesn’t freeze when I get notifications from them. It only froze on start-up once, and that was when Avast popped up with an update.

I haven’t tried much outside that. I have ran through all my hardware and updated drivers. So all are up to date.

as I said in my previous posts, you got to troubleshoot your system, try to follow what I suggested and report back.

Running sfc /scannow - now.

you could also do two things first:
run reliability monitor and take a look at the events:
Control Panel\System and Security\Action Center\Reliability Monitor

and generate a system health report:
Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Performance Information and Tools … from there click on advanced tools in the left pane, and click on the link at the bottom of the list.
(you might not have access to this in Home Premium not sure…)

OK I’ll check this thread tomorrow, it’s 1.15 am here :wink:

I did both of those tasks/tests and both returned with no issues. (With exception to this warning which wasn’t severe.)


Severity: Informational
Symptom: Missing Events in Event Log
Details: Investigate why 45% (16,724) events were lost during data collection. The settings for Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) maximum buffers and buffer size may not be optimal depending on which data sets are being collected.
Related: Event Tracing for Windows

then can you launch manually the event log: right click “My Computer”, manage, event viewer, windows events, look there in applications and system and take a look at anything in red, errors, warnings, critical…

Let me start by thanking you for all your help and saying. While I do have a basic understanding of computers and their inner workings, my knowledge is purely self-taught from issues such as this. I do, however, have a limit and I’m definitely beginning to believe it’s not application based and it’s actually hardware based. From day 1 I’ve had issues with some of the hardware in the Laptop. Including, the wireless card - upon booting up the PC initially, the wireless card (even though on) would not pick up a wireless signal. I had to go into the device manager and manually disconnect/reconnect the card to get it to start working (after updating the driver). This issue has not stopped. I am going to return and exchange (for the same one) the laptop @ BestBuy considering the multitude of issues I’ve had since I’ve opened it. What I’ve done is below to see if for one final time I can fix the issue and my own observations from when the freezing occurs.

I’ve looked around, and started from the 1st when I purchased the PC. I found a several instances in the System Events that showed where I had to hard boot the system, however, nothing in the System Log that showed something crashing except from when I first installed Avast! It reported the program “The avast! Antivirus service is marked as an interactive service. However, the system is configured to not allow interactive services. This service may not function properly.” - So naturally that would have been the problem early on, however, since I’ve still had the freezing problem post Avast! uninstall I have to think it’s coming from elsewhere.

I didn’t find one other thing that really struck me as off in the System, while not an event. It is a warning that I don’t completely understand why it’s happening.

“The speed of processor 0 in group 0 is being limited by system firmware. The processor has been in this reduced performance state for 804 seconds since the last report.”

From what I’m reading here, the system itself is limiting the speed of my processor. I’m assuming it’s limited it’s speed to prevent overclocking/overheating. If I’m wrong please correct me.

I fished through the Application Log and from what I can tell nothing is causing the system to crash there. I’ve been observing what is going on more thoroughly since I’ve begun to do all of this. From what I’ve observed. The PC crashes when 1) I’m playing a game on the laptop (MMOs mainly). 2) A notification bar pops up from the Task Bar (*However, this doesn’t cause it all the time. Only certain programs have made it crash. e.g. Avast! and Yahoo! Messenger). It’s also crashed RIGHT after a start-up with nothing running, however, this has stopped since I uninstalled Avast!. The PC has crashed once since the uninstall.

My assumptions are hardware failure (Graphics/Wireless Cards), but I would assume this would have shown up in the event log. Overheating, event log also though. Or a piece of software installed (I’ve uninstalled everything that was causing a conflict, but it froze soon after all the uninstalls were done).

I know this is a lot to read, but it’s also my last try to pinpoint the issue before I exchange. (Though if I have the same issue, I’ll probably be right back here.) I am on CST, but considering I’m up @ 4:09 AM. I doubt I’ll be returning it first thing in the morning here

if you got serious doubts about the hardware ability to function properly, back up whatever personal data you might have saved on HDD since the date of purchase, wipe it and RMA the laptop. Should be no problem as you just acquired it. This said I’m a bit surprised about the possible hardware failure, ASUS being an extremely serious company…well, laptops are not as reliable as desktops in general, not much more more I could say.
What about an OS reinstall first ?