Windows 7 XP mode


Can anyone advise whether anti-virus is needed in XP mode. I am presuming it is required as a note in the taskbar balloon is saying “no antivirus detected”

If this is the case, do i simply install the same protection (Avast Premier)
in XP mode ?

Many Thanks


XP Mode isn’t a Virtual Machine environment as far as I’m aware, it just allows a particular program that may not be compatible with win7 to run in XP mode.

So yes I believe you require an antivirus, after all the remainder of your system is running in normal win7 mode.


In that case, can i simply install Premier and use my current license as its the same PC ?

I don’t know why you are calling it the same PC as XP mode isn’t a separate OS, but running a program in XP Mode (a compatibility thing) under win7.

The only way would be running a VM (Virtual Machine) installation of XP, that would effectively give you two different OSes win7 and XP and you haven’t said that is the case.

So I have to admit to being confused as to what it is that you are doing.
Are you running a VM installation of XP ?

If so, then you would (and should) be able to install avast in that VM environment, I’m not entirely sure how this plays out in terms of your license. If each environment (win7 and VM of XP) would require a separate license for each, but me (not an avast employee) would think it is OK, given that you can’t run both environments simultaneously.