We recently upgraded Avast to the latest version. We have about 6 Windows 8 PC’s and they all experienced a blue since the upgrade. Has anyone else had this issue? The Avast update is the only thing that has changed on these computers.
Windows 8 or 8.1 ?
What exact version of avast is installed ?
What is the exact message on the BSOD ?
its windows 8.1, and its that blue screen with the sad face that says something along the lines of We’re sorry but we detected a problem and are working to resolve it.
Any update on this as we’re experiencing the same problem
Having the same problem affecting around 600 computers. We have started removing Avast and reinstalling Viper. The error message is Critical Structure Error. This has been going on since Christmas and still no solution. An Android emulator was causing the same error with some people who were using Intel chip sets. They had a fix in days, the fix won’t work here. Tried running the intel patch.