Windows 8 incompatibilities - whats the progress?

I have now tried avast version 1474 and had major issues with 2 radically different systems

desktop - i7 3770, 16gb ram, asus motherboard
issues: bsods with default files, patched files resolve bsod but internet connectivity is bust. slow downloads, chrome downloads get stuck at 99%, internet becomes completely inaccessible after a while
last resort: disabling web shield is the only way to have an operational computer

laptop - i7 3517u, 8gb ram, sony vaio
issues: internet connectivity is bust with stock package. slow downloads, chrome downloads get stuck at 99%, internet becomes completely inaccessible after a while
last resort: disabling web shield is the only way to have an operational computer

ironically when i started the avast install it claimed full compatibility with windows 8.

This is really disheartening since avast was for quite a while my favorite antivirus and i have converted many avg users to avast. i have actually started looking into avg now because it is simply unbearable.

can the devs please post some sort of progress report into these issues that are plaguing multiple forum members and some eta on fixes.


Hi k.electron, I’ve just checked your posts and you consistently report problems with Web Shield. I might have somewhat mistakenly thought it is still related to the aswnet.sys issues, nshield.log and Network Shield in general.

These two shields use completely different technologies, at the moment. The guys at QA are trying to replicate the issues, I’ll ask them to put more stress into the WebShield part.

ah there might be 2 problems then

  1. aswnet.sys and net shield causing bsods - fixed with patch for now

  2. web shield causing general loss of internet connectivity - sore problem

would you guys like detailed hardware specs in order to try and reproduce?

  1. Network shield blocking web pages after couple of hours of normal working. And it’s randomly blocking some elements of router’s websetup.

what is the difference between web shield and network shield? which one is more important from a protecting yourself on the internet point of view?

Network shield uses a list of infected domains and URLs and blocks access to these domains before or as soon as the connection is attempted. Web Shield checks what you download, and if it sees a virus infection in your downloads (where download here I mean also the pages you visit etc.) it blocks it.

So, network shield prevents against known infected sites, while WebShield prevents infected content. Chances are that if you disable one of these, the same infected site will be blocked by the other one, but generally this isn’t always true.