windows 98

will a copy of 2008 Avast protect myPC Windows 98 Second Edition? could use a reply as soon as possible. Thank You, Drifter out.

Don’t you worry drifter,

Alwil (as far as I know), is dedicated to providing antivirus solutions for all Windows platforms from 95 to Vista.

In other words, yeah, avast! AV has you covered :slight_smile: !!

→ Scroll down to the bottom sections. The technical details are there.

If you have anymore questions, be sure to ask :slight_smile: !!

First, there is no such thing as avast 2008, so if some site is offering it it is most likely that that is fraudulent. See

So it is best to get it directly from - Download the latest version of avast here and save it to your HDD, somewhere you can find it again. Use that when you install, if you have another AV installed, you must uninstall that and reboot first.

A big thank you to David R and Happy-Dude for their information on the Avast program.I will try their free download, and see how it works for me. And will probably up grade to the paid version. Hope the weather is a lot better where you live. Here in Wisconsin it has been stormy and more rain then we have had in many years. Thanks again for your help. Drifter out.

No problem, glad I could help.

Here in the UK the weather is something we always talk about ;D, the last couple of days it has been trying to tell us it is Summer, but today is overcast and the forecast is for rain. Something we had before the two day summer spell for almost a week ;D The weather is never boring in the UK.

Welcome to the forums.