Hello to all.
Upon boot today, Avast does not start: the Avast icon displays message “! Avast Free Antivirus You are unprotected”. Right click on icon and open User Interface brings the usual square figure, but full dark with message: “Loading… This should not take long.” and option to Exit. Well, nothing happens and after a few mn I click Exit.
At the same time, Windows Action Centers signals two problems:
1/ Spyware and unwanted software protection (important) Defender and Avast both report they are turned off
2/ Virus Protection (important): Avast reports that it is turned off
Clicking the button “Turn on Now” for reported problem 2/ asks if I want to run “C:\Program Files\Avast Software\Avast\wsc_proxy.exe from Avast Software s.r.o.” with options of “Yes, I trust the publisher and want to run this program”. Problem 1/ brings to the same, if choosing to turn on Avast rather than Defender. I have tried both a couple of times, with subsequent reboot. To no avail, same issue again.
I then tried the Avast Repair option, and since can not open Avast UI it was done from Windows Control Center \ Programs and Features: selected Avast then Uninstall then Repair. It does not seem to have any impact, the same issues again after reboot.
Hereafter some additional info:
a- I run 2 Dell laptops, one running Windows 7 SP1 is with above reported issue. This current message is written on the 2nd laptop, running under Linux
b- I have been using Avast Free Antivirus on the W7 laptop, well, forever it seems. A couple of weeks ago, uninstalled and reinstalled Avast because AvastSvc.exe was eating up too much CPU forever and was freezing the comp, or at least painfully slowing it down.
c- both W7 and Avast are regularly updated (though I can not say which version of Avast, but well, it was re-installed lately as indicated)
d- just had a look in Admin Tools / Event Viewer / Application, noticed repeated Errors and Warnings involving respectively Avast update Helper and AvastSvc.exe. But I don’t have a clue what these are about, this is beyond my reach.
Can please give an indication as to what to attempt next? I have not connected this W7 running laptop for now, reluctant to do that without Avast running.
Thanks in advance