Hi to all
Is there a reason for Avast being an option in Windows Boot Manager?
On 05.1.19 I had to download the latest version 19.8.2393 because it would not update from the notification window.
I have since then been aware that the computer was taking longer to boot and open to the desktop and though it is my habit not to watch the initial start up every time, I did this morning and saw the Windows Boot Manager appear with options of booting to WIN 7 or Avast clear uninstall and 30 seconds to make up my mind.
Is this in the Boot Manager by default and if so why.
I have reset the time to zero for Boot Manager as this has been the setting since I bought the computer 3 years ago.
Thank you for confirming that this can be removed - which I will do.
I forgot to mention that after the recent update to the current version, in the Software Updater, again it suggested I update Firefox from 55 to 56. 2 yrs ago it suggested the same and I posted but got no reply. The SU is again suggesting I do the same despite Firefox is up to date on v70 and the SU confirms this.
In addition, a window popped up to say that Firefox is a poor rated browser - how ridiculous is that? And that Foxit Reader is an add-on.
As for the cleanup premium - I do not entertain such ‘snake-oil scans’ - my computer boots now as fast as it did when it was built 3 yrs ago, after installing all additional software etc that I use. I have not installed any extra software since then.