Windows Defender enabled and Avast wrongly showing as disabled after 11082 build

After upgrading from build 10586 to 11082 my installed Avast was showing as disabled within the Control Panel and in it’s own interface, but is working, and Windows Defender was automatically enabled as part of the upgrade process. This is not normal. When tested with the Eicar test file, if Windows Defender is enabled, although Avast shows as disabled, Avast quarantines the file without showing any alert, and Windows Defender fails to remove the file displaying two errors, one for the original download location, and the other one for the already quarantined file inside the Quarantine folder of Avast. If I disable Windows Defender, Avast again quarantines the file, but this time it shows it’s alert popup. The “Resolve all” and the “Turn on” buttons doesn’t work. Another strange thing is that all shields show as enabled on the options, but not in the Home screen of Avast and not in the Windows Action Center. Fix that. I’ll try repairing through CP and will see what happens. ::slight_smile: Also reported to Microsoft.

Repairing seems to have fixed the issue, but i don’t believe it is good for the program to show as turned off and at the same time to be quarantining Eicar. Should i contact tech support on site or forum is enough?

I would think as long as all is as you expect/typical, you’re good to go.

Why using a old(er) version ?

The latest one is :

No it’s not an older version. It’s the latest one. Perhaps it’s a problem with the upgrade process.

No it's not an older version. It's the latest one. Perhaps it's a problem with the upgrade process.

Maybe I’m missing something?
Here is the latest version which does not match the version number in your topic. ???
Version 2016.11.1.2245.1540